@article{186876, author = {Leandro Stefanazzi and Ken Treptow and Neal Wilcer and Chris Stoughton and Salvatore Montella and Collin Bradford and Gustavo Cancelo and Shefali Saxena and Horacio Arnaldi and Sara Sussman and Andrew Houck and Ankur Agrawal and Helin Zhang and Chunyang Ding and David Schuster}, title = {The QICK (Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit): Readout and control for qubits and detectors}, abstract = { We introduce a Xilinx RF System-on-Chip (RFSoC)-based qubit controller (called the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit, or QICK for short), which supports the direct synthesis of control pulses with carrier frequencies of up to 6~GHz. The QICK can control multiple qubits or other quantum devices. The QICK consists of a digital board hosting an RFSoC field-programmable gate array, custom firmware, and software and an optional companion custom-designed analog front-end board. We characterize the analog performance of the system as well as its digital latency, important for quantum error correction and feedback protocols. We benchmark the controller by performing standard characterizations of a transmon qubit. We achieve an average gate fidelity of F=99.93\%. All of the schematics, firmware, and software are open-source. }, year = {2022}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, url = {https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0076249}, language = {eng}, }