Cosmin is a master student in ECE from Romania. He completed his undergraduate studies at Princeton as a Physics major. He is a part of the protected qubits team. Outside of the lab Cosmin dances with BodyHype dance company, plays badminton and loves trying out new restaurants in the Princeton area.
Harsh majored in Electrical Engineering with a focus in Quantum Information, along with certificates in Engineering Physics, Applied Math, and Computer Science.
His work includes characterizing fabrication techniques for Tantalum-based circuits and developing surface treatment recipe for sapphire, to reduce two level system…
Annie majored in Physics. She is studied line-graph lattices which are realizable using superconducting circuits to simulate condensed matter systems.
Annie is also got a certificate in French, and enjoys reading, cooking, being outside, and playing with animals in her free time.
Marius was an undergraduate in the Houck Lab from 2013-2014 and worked on lattice circuit QED systems. He went on to become a graduate student at Yale and currently works as a risk associate at Goldman Sachs
Joonas was our first undergraduate from 2009-2010. He worked on ultrastrong coupling in cQED in both theory and experiment. He went on to become a graduate student in Helsinki.
Elizabeth is a fourth year Electrical and Computer Engineering student hailing from Tampa, FL. Over the summer, she did some research with solid state and molecular qubits at the University of Chicago; currently, however, she’s interested in learning more about superconducting qubits here in the Houck Lab. She enjoys stargazing, baking cookies,…
Tony Zhu was an undergraduate in our group from 2010-2011. He worked on breaking time reveral symmetry in superconducting devices and, thankfully, didn't break much else. He is now a graduate student at MIT.